此放料架结构设计为24轴卷料同时放料的形式,前部设计有整料的机构,铜带不会弯曲变形、不打结; 能够成排直进涂锡机,不会相互扰乱,保证涂锡质量 本公司供应雅王洲 上料架 ,质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。 放卷料或者轴装铜带均可 此放料架结构设计为24轴卷料同时放料的形式,前部设计有整料的机构,铜带不会弯曲变形、不打结; 能够成排直进涂锡机,不会相互扰乱,保证涂锡质量 产品简介: 该机主要针对轴装汇流带的涂锡设计的放料装置,因我厂生产的涂锡机能一次过二十条以上铜带,故此 放料架显得很有必要;有利于提高生产率,多条铜带也不会导致互相缠绕 (1)校直器器经过特殊的包胶处理有效减少焊带通过校直而产生的表明摩擦。 (2)针对现生产汇流带越宽越厚的趋势特殊设计。 (3)整体设备较之前加强,使机器涂锡更加稳定。 This rack shelf stack have own 24 rolls copper belts material that can be work togeher , there is a adjusting mechanism on the forepart of the machine, the copper belt will be automated scheme adjustment,and will never bending or knotting,it can take into spraying stannum machine in rows,without interference,ensure spraying quality. the rolling or belt coppers all can be put inti our shelf. Product brief introduction: That machine mainly puts to what spraying stannum designed that the stalk packs to remit to flow to take to anticipate device, spraying stannum function produced by my factory leads 20 above coppers belts to take at a time, for this reason put to reduce the rack shelf stack is necessarily; Meanwhile to Raise rate of production, even if several copper belts take to together ,it can't cause to tie up to round each other, either (1)The straightener have been specially deal with to reduce friction force when copper belts through. (2)It is special to aim at now production to remit to flow to take more the breadth more thick trend design. (3)We strengthend this equipments,it will more suitably than the before one. |