太阳能电池胶膜是以EVA(乙烯醋酸乙烯共聚物,英文名称:Ethylene Vinyl Acetate,简称为EVA)为主要原料,添加各种改性助剂充分搅拌后,经生产设备热加工成型的薄膜状产品。该产品主要用于太阳能电池组件的封装,层压固化后粘合密封,对电池组件起到高透光率,阻止水汽渗透,耐高低温,抗紫外光等作用,确保电池组件的稳定高效使用,是一种新颖可靠的封装材料。
Product Description :
EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate referred to as EVA) is the main raw material of EVA film for solar cell, which added a variety of modified additives after full mixing by thermal processing equipment forming thin-film-like products. This product is used to attach the silicon cell which converts solar rays into electricity to the backing sheet and glass surface of the solar module via heat-induced molecular binding, it makes solar module has a high light transmittance rate, waterproof, high and low temperature resistance, UV-resistance and other effects to ensure that the solar cell stable and efficient to use. EVA film is a novel and reliable encapsulate material.
1. 高透光率,提高光伏组件的光电转换效率。
2. 合理的交联度,保证光伏组件的稳定性。
3. 高剥离强度,稳定地与玻璃、背膜粘接成一体。
4. 突出的耐老化性能,满足光伏组件长期的外界使用要求。
Product Features :
1. High light transmission rate, which improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of PV modules.
2. Reasonable cross linking rate to ensure the stability of PV modules.
3. High Strength of peeling from TPT and glass.
4. Outstanding resistance to weathering performance makes PV modules to meets long-term external use requirements.
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太阳能电池组件迭片程序 :
Typical PV module:
Pucker light-electricity units according to photograph, suggest to clean glass and solar cells fully.
Heat laminator to the set temperature.
Place the units to the heated laminator.
Vacuuming and keep it at 700mmHg or above.
Film is affected by negative pressure and then press on PV units, EVA film is soften by heating.
Heating units until EVA film reach solidification point.
Open Laminator after curing time.
1. 产品储存于恒温、恒湿的仓库,温度在20℃~30℃,湿度<60%,避免阳光直接照射,并注意防火。
2. EVA胶膜储存期为六个月,建议在三个月内用完。
4. 裁剪时不要用手直接触碰胶膜表面,以免影响粘接性能。
5. 初次使用本公司产品或新设备刚投入时,应先用模似板层压试验,确认工艺条件后,再投入正常生产。
6. 打开包装或裁切后的EVA胶膜,建议在48小时内用完。
Use and Storage:
1. Please stored EVA film in a constant temperature and humidity environment of 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ temperatures and maximum 60% humidity, avoid direct sunlight and pay attention to fire safety.
2. The guaranteed maximum storage period are 6 months, we recommend you use it up in 3 months.
3. Do not bend EVA film or damage the inside PE packaging. Don’t be piled up exceed the height of three cartons.
4. Do not touch the surface of the EVA film when you cut it, so as not to affect the adhesion properties.
5. Please do lamination test with analogous boards when new laminator equipments put into production or first time using this EVA, until process conditions confirmed.6. Please use it up within 48 hours after unsealing. |